Monday, July 25, 2016

99min Half: Week 1 of training

If you follow me on Strava, you already knows the juicy details of last week’s running. But there’s other stuff that I don’t log on there, like strength training and miles on the bike. So here’s a rundown of last week’s activities. Most weeks will follow a similar structure, just the miles and paces will change.


Non-running day. I did some yoga and went to the gym to do some weights – mainly upper-body stuff as my legs were recovering from the long run the day before. I also cycled 13 miles in total going to and from a coaching session.


It was hot in London last week so I did my midweek runs in the gym on the treadmill. The first of these was 3x 1 mile at 5k pace with 1 mile warm-up and 1 mile cool down. I like this session (though not always at the time) three is a good number of intervals not to lose count.

I also cycled a 10 mile round trip to the Serpentine for a splash about in the lido there. Not a lot of swimming, a lot of cannon ball action though.



Another non-running day for me, but I clocked up 12 miles in total on the bike going to and from coaching sessions. As it was really hot, I gave my runners lots of drills to do and some easy loops of running. Usually I’d clock up a mile or two with them but today I stood still while they ran round. I was waiting in for a delivery so where I’d have maybe gone to the gym, I did a bodyweight and dumbbell strength session at home for half an hour.


Back on the treadmill today for another run. Today was 10 mins warm-up then 2x 15 mins at threshold pace rounded up with a cool down to take it to 6 miles in total. Again, I sweated a lot and my treadmill was a bit of a state when I finished. When I hopped off the treadmill and had recovered I did a quick weights session too – I was already in the gym so it gave me something to do while I stopped sweating enough to walk home.

I also ran 1.5 miles with my beginners in the evening. I keep track of these odd miles because if I don’t, I can be running 5 miles in the week on top of training without realising it some weeks.


I headed to Brussels with my friend Katie for a run around the city. We didn’t have much of a plan other than to clock up about 6 miles and drink some beer and eat some frites. All goals were achieved. I logged it as 7.5 miles with lots of stops for chips and beer and sightseeing but Strava decided to count my walking breaks and rounded it up to 9 miles.



Rest day. Not a lot to report.


I was really skeptical about enjoying the 10 miles I had planned. It was warm and my legs were a bit tired. So I set off slow and picked up the pace after 3 miles. I ended up running an unintentional progression run with each mile faster than the one before (except mile 9 which has a big hill), averaging 8:42 a mile and I felt good all the way. More importantly I enjoyed it and was home in time to sit on the sofa and watch the Tour de France all afternoon.

Total miles: 30

Again, I don’t think I’ll do this sort of post every week as it will get pretty repetitive, so if you’re interested in the training, follow me on Strava, Instagram or Snapchat.

from Lazy Girl Running

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